Putting another log on the fire!

Do you want to get more from your workout? Try training outdoors every once in a while. We are made to train outdoors, and Viking Fit training out in nature has many advantages and benefits.

Firstly, there is the fresh air, which increases aerobic, muscle, heart and lung development, as well as greater brain function, improved concentration skills and more energy. Uneven ground makes the small muscles in your feet and legs work better, and forces your core to work on balance and strength as additional bonuses.

Real strength is being strong in unpredictable angles, and the naturally different angles found in outdoor training will work your body in new and positive ways. Scrambling or climbing hills, rocks or trees will create better grip technique and strength.

Lifting tree branches or trunks, rocks or stones, will force your body to work in ways that are impossible with the flat surfaces and standard weights of the gym.

The different vistas and environments found when training outdoors will energize your mind and body in ways that can't be attained in a gym. Workouts in nature stimulate growth and creativity, increase adrenaline, strengthen your immune system, and help you sleep better at night.

Most gym excercises can be replicated in the great outdoors, and outdoor training are a great suppliment to regular gym programes. Your own body weight is all you need for a complete workout and there are few things that will test and invigorate you as an intense outdoors workout.

A simple walk in the forest is inexpensive and is often described as the king of all exercises. Fresh air and nature are good for body and soul, and a trip out in nature helps with strength, stamina and mood. Alone or in a group, getting out in nature can be a powerful way to reduce stress.



From the Viking Training System in Edinburgh, Scotland, come several Viking Fit Challenges

These Viking Challenges are short, high intensity workouts set in a way to reflect an endeavour of a famous Viking warrior.

Here is Viking Challenge #1:

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Here is Viking Challenge #2:

$ $ $ $ $ $ 000 000 000 000 Viking Training System challenge 2.jpg

For more information about Viking Training System and the challenges:

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Way before I started training in Glima, I came across a blog post written by Tyr Neilsen of the Academy of The Viking Martial Arts in Norway. I was researching at the time, trying to find somewhere in the UK that I could learn the art and having no luck I spread my search into Scandinavia. I’d been messaging schools for Brokartok in Iceland without anyone getting back to me.

I messaged teachers of Lausatok in Sweden without getting a reply. I sent messages to the Academy of Viking Martial Arts in Norway, and as I was waiting a reply, I continued researching, reading and learning.

I read a post called VIKING FIT CHALLENGE, which really got under my skin. It was so simple yet challenging that I added it to my routine. Soon it became something I did every day. I was challenging myself every day, competing with myself every day, and every day I saw progress!

As a Nutritional Therapist, boxing Coach, and lifelong martial artist, I was extremely excited by reading Tyr’s post. It was all about simplifying fitness, and breaking it down into a short workout, using a core set of movements.

The theme of competing with yourself to drive improvement, and his tips on diet, fitted in absolutely with everything I already knew and did, and taught my clients to do.

Not long afterwards, I recieved a reply from the Academy in Norway, and I got talking with Tyr, who is senior instructor there. I asked if he would be interested in doing a Viking martial art seminar in the UK if I arraged one. He was interested, and with his steady approval over the course of the year, the birth of a Viking Martial Art in the UK was realized.

Tyr became my teacher and mentor and I now use a version of the Viking Fit Challenge as part of my martial art warmup at training sessions and Masterclasses. My students really look forward to these personal challenges, and as they do in Norway, we train outdoors over here in the UK.

During all of that time I wanted to do justice to Tyr’s Viking Fit Challenge by spreading it here in the UK and to supplement it with a little of my own input on the nutrition aspect to make it an all round health movement which anyone can do, anywhere at any time.

In my version I’ve stripped it down to three basic movements which can be done with no more equipment than a chair. Combined, they hit virtually every muscle group in the body particularly the core.

It’s essentially a HiiT workout, as it combines intense cardio with resistance, and because it utilises little more than body weight to create the resistance, you can do it in your living room, bedroom, hotel room if you travel. Even if you can’t get to a gym, there is absolutely nothing to stop you getting Viking Fit.

And so here it is - the UK Glíma VIKING FIT CHALLENGE!

First of all this is a 3 minute workout, at least to begin with - as you get fitter there are options to develop it so that it evolves as you improve.

You’ll need to be able to time your challenge, this can simply be with your watch or a clock, I like to use an app which I preset to alert me when an exercise ends and I need to start the next one.

There are lots of fitness timers out there, I use ‘Boxing iTimer’ set to 3 x 1 minute rounds with a 10 second round end notice. And you’ll need a little space and a chair, small table or the arm of your sofa can also work.










Check your stats at the end of each week. 

You can take things to another level by competing with friends.

A daily workout that you can do anywhere - just 5 minutes at a time !



The Insanely Effective 5-Minute Workout

You can make every second count with this action-packed training plan that has strength training and cardio all packed into 5 minutes!

Can you really get an effective workout in only 5 minutes? Yes you can!

Viking Fit maximizes every second of training time with our simple plan that is amazingly effective.

The secret with the 5 minute workout is that it combines every major muscle group in one great combination of exercises.

By challenging yourself to beat your previous best score, you continually get stronger and fitter!

You can work to maximum by doing 3 sets of the 5 minute workout in one session.


How it works: 

This is a challenge and a workout to get you geared towards a goal. This 5 minute workout can last a few days or weeks, and can be used to get you motivated for short or long term goals.

This 5 minute workout can be done in a number of ways.

Workout 1:

After a short warm-up, work to the max with one 5 minute workout, moving from one exercise to the next without any break or pause in between.

Workout 2:

After a short warm-up, work to the max on first excercise, take 1 minute of rest, do second exercise, rest 1 minute, then continue in this manner until you have done all 5 excercises.

And of course you can customize this in any way that suits you, and use this workout as long as you want.  

 Challenge yourself by competing with your own best score

 Challenge yourself by competing with others

VIKING FIT in 8 WEEKS by Tyr Neilsen


Get in shape in 8 weeks - with VIKING FIT

8 week training progam to get into Viking Fit shape.

Your own body weight is all you need for a complete workout.

This program works for everyone, no matter how untrained or well trained you are!


Viking Fit focuses on using nature and your own weight to get you in shape, just as the Vikings did in the Viking Age. 

Fresh air and nature are good for body and soul, and a trip out in nature helps with strength, stamina and mood. Alone or in a group, a walk in nature can be a powerful way to reduce stress.

So start simply by taking a walk out in the nature. It’s inexpensive, and is often described as the king of all exercises.



This program works for everyone, no matter how untrained or well trained you are, because when you do as many pushups or squats as you can, you will be working to your maximum.

We start easy and healthy, and build on this in the next weeks so that the walks become more and more interesting, and you get more out of the workout.

But if you just want to burn fat, get a better body, and target trouble spots on your body that you want to tone, you’d be surprised at how little you can actually exercise. It only really takes about 15 minutes a day.


No equitment. No gym. No money. No excuses.

Take a walk out in the fresh air and untouched nature. A walk outside in a park, forest or mountain area is extremely good for the body and soul.

Try walking with walking-poles, also known as Fitness-walking or Nordic-walking. This is walking where the total body gets exercised.

Walking with Nordic-poles can be enjoyed by athletes and non-athletes alike, as it is a health-promoting physical activity, and gives greater gains in conditioning, stamina and fat-burning.

It is totally okay to stop and rest when needed. When you have rested a short while, just continue walking.


For those who are in good shape and want to get in great shape this is for you:

Whilst on the walk - stop 3 times to do as many PUSHUPS as you can within 60 seconds.

Each day on your walk, you can stop 3 times to do a different excercise, such as SQUATS or DIPS or PULLUPS or KILLERS (also called Bungees).

Each time you stop to do an excercise, remember you only need to do this excercise for 60 seconds. The Secret ingredient is that no matter how fot you are, by doing as many repetitions of chosen excercise in the 60 seconds, you will be continually pushing yourself to get fitter.

(Remember to make sure that you feel like you are working your body without experiencing intense pain)



Pushups are great for the upper body, working your chest, biceps, triceps, as well as your stomach, back and legs to a lesser degree. It also speeds up the fat burning process and does wonders for your condition.

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The Squat is a great exercise for the whole body - especially the legs. This excercise builds up strength and balance. Use your Nordic walking poles to help with balance if needs be, or keep them behind the neck.


Killers (also known as 'Burpees') is a pretty tough excercise. Killers work your thighs, butt, shoulders, chest and arms. The Burpee consists of a combination of squats and push-ups that exercise all the major muscle groups in the body as it speeds up the fat burning process and does wonders for your condition.



Dips are great for the shoulders, triceps, chest, and stomach, and speeds up the fat burning process and does wonders for your condition. There are different variations of dips, 2 are shown in the photos above.

Before starting:

If you are unsure about your health, get a checkup from your doctor.

It is totally okay to stop and rest when needed. When you have rested a short while, just continue walking.

Remember to enjoy every second out in nature.

God tur                                                                      

(Norwegian for "Have a good journey")


VIKING FIT FOOD by Tyr Neilsen


Vikings, and the people of the North, were renowned for their strength and physical prowess. Their secret to good health wasn't just their active lifestyle and natural surroundings, but also their nutritious diet.

If you're looking to achieve a strong and healthy body, following a balanced diet is crucial.

You should incorporate a variety of fresh meats, fish, vegetables, and fruits in your meals. It's also important to consume protein-rich foods after working out, as it helps repair and build muscle tissue.

To maintain energy levels throughout the day, it's recommended that you eat healthy foods regularly. Additionally, it's essential to drink plenty of fresh water to keep your body hydrated.

Diet, regular exercise, and spending time in nature, are important for a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress levels and improve mental well-being. Simply eatching a nutritional lunch in a park, has been shown to have very positive effects.

Vikings were able to maintain their strength and good health through their active lifestyle and nutritious diet. By following a similar approach and incorporating a balanced diet, regular exercise, and contact with nature into your lifestyle, you can also achieve a strong, healthy, and balanced body.