VIKING FIT in 8 WEEKS by Tyr Neilsen


Get in shape in 8 weeks - with VIKING FIT

8 week training progam to get into Viking Fit shape.

Your own body weight is all you need for a complete workout.

This program works for everyone, no matter how untrained or well trained you are!


Viking Fit focuses on using nature and your own weight to get you in shape, just as the Vikings did in the Viking Age. 

Fresh air and nature are good for body and soul, and a trip out in nature helps with strength, stamina and mood. Alone or in a group, a walk in nature can be a powerful way to reduce stress.

So start simply by taking a walk out in the nature. It’s inexpensive, and is often described as the king of all exercises.



This program works for everyone, no matter how untrained or well trained you are, because when you do as many pushups or squats as you can, you will be working to your maximum.

We start easy and healthy, and build on this in the next weeks so that the walks become more and more interesting, and you get more out of the workout.

But if you just want to burn fat, get a better body, and target trouble spots on your body that you want to tone, you’d be surprised at how little you can actually exercise. It only really takes about 15 minutes a day.


No equitment. No gym. No money. No excuses.

Take a walk out in the fresh air and untouched nature. A walk outside in a park, forest or mountain area is extremely good for the body and soul.

Try walking with walking-poles, also known as Fitness-walking or Nordic-walking. This is walking where the total body gets exercised.

Walking with Nordic-poles can be enjoyed by athletes and non-athletes alike, as it is a health-promoting physical activity, and gives greater gains in conditioning, stamina and fat-burning.

It is totally okay to stop and rest when needed. When you have rested a short while, just continue walking.


For those who are in good shape and want to get in great shape this is for you:

Whilst on the walk - stop 3 times to do as many PUSHUPS as you can within 60 seconds.

Each day on your walk, you can stop 3 times to do a different excercise, such as SQUATS or DIPS or PULLUPS or KILLERS (also called Bungees).

Each time you stop to do an excercise, remember you only need to do this excercise for 60 seconds. The Secret ingredient is that no matter how fot you are, by doing as many repetitions of chosen excercise in the 60 seconds, you will be continually pushing yourself to get fitter.

(Remember to make sure that you feel like you are working your body without experiencing intense pain)



Pushups are great for the upper body, working your chest, biceps, triceps, as well as your stomach, back and legs to a lesser degree. It also speeds up the fat burning process and does wonders for your condition.

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The Squat is a great exercise for the whole body - especially the legs. This excercise builds up strength and balance. Use your Nordic walking poles to help with balance if needs be, or keep them behind the neck.


Killers (also known as 'Burpees') is a pretty tough excercise. Killers work your thighs, butt, shoulders, chest and arms. The Burpee consists of a combination of squats and push-ups that exercise all the major muscle groups in the body as it speeds up the fat burning process and does wonders for your condition.



Dips are great for the shoulders, triceps, chest, and stomach, and speeds up the fat burning process and does wonders for your condition. There are different variations of dips, 2 are shown in the photos above.

Before starting:

If you are unsure about your health, get a checkup from your doctor.

It is totally okay to stop and rest when needed. When you have rested a short while, just continue walking.

Remember to enjoy every second out in nature.

God tur                                                                      

(Norwegian for "Have a good journey")
