combat glima boot camp with tyr neilsen

A successful winter Combat Laustak Boot Camp weekend, with sunshine, a group of great participants, lots of fun, and tough training.

Day 1 of the boot camp started with 2 hours indoor Sport Laustak, where everyone went through landing techniques to make sure everyone could be taken down without being hurt. This was followed with takedown techniques such as basic throws and sweeps, groundwork and pain techniques.

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After lunch outdoors, near a forest and mountain range, senior Academy Senior instructor Tyr Neilsen demonstrated differences and similiarities between historical Viking weapons and their modern equivalent.

With hands on instruction from Tyr, students were able to apply basic hand to hand combat Laustak techniques, with and without weapons.

Students got to grips (literally) with stick and knife attacks and defences, and quickly managed basic techniques. Within the afternoon, they were busy applying blocks, takedowns, disarming and grappling with and without training weapons.

Day 1 finished with a Viking buffet, a presentation of Viking martial arts, followed by Q and A, and a few beers.

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Day 2 built on what students had worked with on day 1. After some few hours, their techniques became much sharper when attacking and defending with wooden sticks and training knives.

After a warm lunch beside a campfire, students worked on grappling, when standing and on the ground, and attacked, defended, and fought for weapons with gritty determination,

The day ended with a lot of  sweat, no tears, and great humor.  

Comments from some participants at the Combat Laustak Boot Camp:

"Combat Laustak boot camp is one of the most intense and interesting seminars I have attended."
"Amazing martial art and really motivating. Tyr worked to give us a good, hard look into what Viking Fighting means!" "Thank you for this weekend, you guys are awesome!" - Anders Jarle Johansen 

"The Combat Laustak workshop weekend was interesting and challenging. I got just as much out of the weekend as a woman without much experience. I was outside my comfort zones, but was not uncomfortable and felt a sense of belonging to the group of strong men."

"Laustak is an interesting and cool way to learn to fight or defend yourself. The way you use nature or your environment makes sense and the moves are smart and easy to understand." "Tyr is an incredibly talented and charming trainer. It is clear that his interest goes far beyond the weekend course, and that his passion for Laustak is authentic." "On the whole, this was a new, very good experience and I recommend everyone a Combat Laustak weekend!" - Anna Hoifødt 

''Combat Laustak Winter Training Boot Camp was an extremely fun weekend, full of exciting techniques for all kinds of situations, lots of great moments and a very interesting and motivating experience.'' "I would highly reccomend it for both people with or without martial arts experience'' - Lars Egil Gulbrandsen 

"A fantastic great training camp, with varying program of hand-to-hand combat and self-defense, with and without weapons." "The instructors were very competent, clever and motivating, and all honor to Tyr for a wonderful and information- rich training camp." - Anders Sandbakken