Glima handsal tyr neilsen

laustak handsal tyr neilsen

Not only was the Laustak grip the most important hand technique in the martial arts of the Vikings, it was also part of a legal contract in Viking Age society.

The Laustak grip is an extremely strong and flexible grip that is capable of adapting to many situations.

For Viking warriors in unarmed combat, the Laustak grip was used to hold and manipulate parts of an opponent’s body, clothing or weapon. In armed combat, the Laustak grip was used to hold any single-handed weapon. When a grip could mean the difference between life and death, this was the one to have.

The 3 forms of Viking sport wrestling are defined by grips; Laustak is free-grip wrestling (Lausatök in Old Norse), Ryggtak is Back-grip wrestling (Hryggspenna in Old Norse) and Bukse-tak is trouser-grip wrestling (Brókartök in Old Norse).

Hryggspenna and Brókartök both have the restriction to one compulsary grip. In Laustak, you are free to use any grip at any time.

demonstrating handsal and techniques from handsall at uk Lausatak seminar

The Laustak grip is an essential part of sport Laustak right from the very first move, when opponents clasp each other’s forearm at the start of a competition. This is called the 'Handsal', which means that the opponents are friends before the wrestling starts, are friends during the competition, and are friends after the competition, regardless of who wins.

The handsal can be the initiator of other moves, or it can be built upon to control the opponent.

The Handsal was not only an integral part of sport Laustak, it was a legally binding contract in the Viking Age and is still a legally binding contract in Norway today.

Grip strength is important in combat, but strength is not enough, flexibility is also needed. No matter how strong a person’s grip is, it can be broken by using the correct technique. Close quarters combat, grappling and wrestling are not static.

The people in these situations are always in motion, using strength and technique to win. To control an opponent in these situations, a strong yet flexible grip is vital.

In order to throw an opponent, it is necessary to grip an opponent’s arm or some part of the body. To stop an opponent from hitting or throwing you, the first line of defense is often to take a grip of the arm being used against you.

In order to stop a person from using a weapon against you, it is usually necessary to control the weapon by either a gripping the weapon, or gripping a part of the opponent’s arm that is holding the weapon. A strong but static grip is not enough in these situations, and when weapons are involved, a strong static grip can be fatal.

When gripping, the arm muscles are tightened, which usually means stiffness or less flexibility. A strong grip is usually made by gripping with all four fingers towards the thumb.

Although strong, this grip is prone to be ‘broken’ when the object that is being gripped moves into a position that weakens the gripping arm. What makes the Laustak grip so good is that it is flexible whilst still being strong.

The secret of the Laustak grip is the passive index finger, which leaves a three finger grip towards the thumb. By not gripping tight with the index finger as well as the other three fingers, the wrist is more flexible and has more range of motion.

Applying pressure from the index finger to the Laustak grip at certain moments can secure or build on the grip, so long as the index finger isn’t fixed and can relax or release without negatively impacting the grip. This is true for grips on an opponent’s arm, on an opponent’s clothing or on an opponent’s weapon.

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Being so versatile, the Laustak grip can range from loose to firm control without cramping the hand or arm. It provides the supple and active grip needed to hold and use.

The Laustak grip is so effortless when used correctly that it makes the four-finger ‘hammer’ grip seem clumsy with slow recovery in comparison.

As there is so much more to the Laustak grip, there will be follow up articles on the Laustak Grip in sport, combat and with weapons.

Link to Laustak grip for weapons: